Dissecting ‘Memories Never Leave…’ — A Truly Personal Perspective

Areej Mughal
1 min readJul 2, 2024


So these are purely my thoughts and are based on my observation. If you don’t agree, I can understand, and if you do agree, I can understand that too.

Let’s begin with the pure assault — I mean dissection — of the quote I saw yesterday. It’s been constantly messing with my head since then.

The quote read:

‘Memories never leave, some haunt you, some hurt you, and some heal you…’

When I read it, I was like, “Woah, that hits a nerve with melancholic people.” But as my brain tried to digest it…

So, your honor, there are some words that need to be changed.
Are you ready to do that, huh?

Fine, let’s cut the crap. If we change the words like this:

‘Memories never leave; first, they haunt you, then they hurt you, and then if you let them, they heal you…’

And if you are into self-healing, then bro, it will hit you too hard. I found this version more true and more real, at least for me.

So if a memory haunts you, stop running from it and let it hurt you. After a time, it will lose its effect on you, and if you allow it, it will really help you heal. And that’s the little cycle that goes on and on.

That’s it for today’s dissection of a quote. If you want me to assault another quote, mention one in the comments.

I’ll catch you in another one. Until then, Be Crazy and Happy!

