Anxiety | Types Of Anxiety | Sigmund Freud

Areej Mughal
2 min readNov 24, 2021
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Freud’s first interest in anxiety sprang from a desire to better understand neurotic symptoms and help those who suffer from them. This piqued his interest, and he proposed that worry is a result of libidinal energy that has not been properly expelled. He went on to say that the increased tension caused by restricted libido and un-discharged excitement was turned into anxiety neuroses and expressed as such.

Realistic Anxiety:

Anxiety in response to an identifiable threat or danger. This type of anxiety is considered a normal response to danger in the real world and serves to mobilize resources to protect the individual from harm. Also called objective anxiety.

Realistic, or objective, anxiety is the emotional response to threat and/or perception of genuine risks in the external world (e.g., deadly snakes, wild animals, earthquakes, final exams). It is virtually synonymous with dread, and it may have a crippling influence on a person’s capacity to deal successfully with a source of danger.

Neurotic anxiety:

In psychoanalytic theory, anxiety originates in unconscious conflict and is maladaptive in nature: It has a disturbing effect on emotion and behavior and also intensifies resistance to treatment. Neurotic anxiety contrasts with realistic anxiety

